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paganacht A Celtic Reconstructionist
Gateway paganachd /

preserving what
lives reconstructing what was fragmented remembering what had been
Fàilte! (welcome) to
This site is the official home of
The CR FAQ and related articles on Celtic Reconstructionism.
 The Official home of The CR FAQ An
Introduction to Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism Collectively-authored, consensus answers
to Frequently Asked Questions about Celtic
Reconstructionism. Created by a diverse
collective of CR elders, representatives of established CR sub-traditions
and other long-term practitioners - including some of the founders of the
tradition - it is only the second CR document in existence that speaks for more
than one group's vision.
The CR FAQ - An
Introduction to Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism
The Book
While most of the text is
familiar to those who've visited our website, the book also contains 37 pages
of additional material, including a glossary and pronunciation guide intended
to familiarize readers with the basics of the Celtic languages as well as
assist in pronouncing Celtic terms and Deity names. It is indexed and
thoroughly cross-referenced, making it very user-friendly for beginners as well
as those with many years in the tradition. A preview is available
All proceeds are being donated
to Gaelic language and cultural preservation charities, in the Celtic Nations
and worldwide.
More info... |
Martial Arts by C. Lee Vermeers by C. Lee

Or, A
Well-Intentioned Celt's Guide to Non-Celtic Bioregions
by Raven nic Rhóisín and Kathryn Price
 Tree huggers by Raven nic Rhoisin
Kathryn Price NicDhana Kathryn NicDhana Kathryn NicDhàna A
Methodology for Crann Ogham Work Treehuggers by Raven nic Rhoisin Kathryn Price NicDhana Kathryn
NicDhana Kathryn NicDhàna by Raven nic
Rhóisín and Kathryn Price NicDhàna
Fulacht Fiadh agus Tigh n Alluis Fulachta Fía Teach an Allais Tigh
Nollish "Celtic Sweat
Lodge"? Fulachta
Fía Teach an Allais Tigh Nollish Notes on a work in
progress by Kathryn Price NicDhàna
 Raven nic Rhoisin Kathryn Price
NicDhana Kathryn NicDhàna Kathryn
NicDhana Community Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism Celtic Reconstructionism Celtic
Reconstruction Pàganachd Págánacht
Págántacht Pàganach Págánach Paganachd
Paganacht Pagantacht Paganach Irish Reconstructionism Irish Recon Celtic Recon
Scottish Reconstructionism, Scottish Recon Gaelic Reconstructionism Gaelic
Recon Celtic Reconstructionists Gaelic Polytheism

In 2007 and a handful of times
since, we have participated in a worldwide effort to protect the sacred Hill of
Tara and the surrounding Tara-Skryne Valley, home of many sacred sites and
irreplaceable archaeological treasures. This is the ritual outline we used,
along with notes on what we did to support the actionists on-site.
Stand with

Kathryn Price
NicDhàna Kathryn Price NicDhànaKathryn Price
